About The Wicked Wild

About The Wicked Wild graphic

I created The Wicked Wild out of a conversation with some close friends with similar tastes to my own. I have always been an awkward and introverted person, and have felt most at home in the vast open backcountry by myself–or with a small group of like-minded individuals.

Dave “Fujibilly”

As I’ve gotten older and met more horror fans, I’ve realized there are far more people like myself who gravitate towards the films, shows, and books within horror that skew towards old folklore, isolated communities, cosmic monstrosities, and tales of survival in the face of wild creatures and/or places. So, I decided to create a space where all those things can be discussed, celebrated, and shared with those with an interest in the wicked and the wild places that haunt civilization while arousing the imagination of the growing number of disenfranchised wanderers like myself.

We hope you enjoy this site, and listen to our podcast as well. Our advice, however, will always be that you get out of your comfort zone, go get lost in the wild places, and realize it’s the only place you can find yourself!

Dave “Fujibilly”

Meet Our Other Hosts


A lifetime resident of Michigan that has always had affinity for the spookier side of things. Besides sharing a passion for dogs with our other cohosts, John loves a good brew or bourbon while watching practically any movie from the 80s.


Hailing from the wilderness of NYC, Jaime (self proclaimed “Worlds Biggest Terrifier Fan”) has been watching and been influenced by horror from a fairly young age. When not watching horror movies, it’s horror video games or horror books. (There’s not much deviation here. Except for Disney but that’s for another day).

Known amongst the crew for her adoration of all things blood, guts and gore she loves fierce and hard and isn’t afraid to (loudly) fight the good fight against “boring” horror. She’s so grateful for this crew of friends and the weekly hangouts to “discuss” horror.


Eli (aka The Mole King) has been a lover of all things horror and folklore since a young age. His love for these genres are what fueled him to walk through the darkness in pursuit of the real truth.

Besides listening to the Mole King on the Wicked Wild discuss some of his favorite movies or bury certain films about certain lore creatures which certain movies certainly ruined, you can also listen to him on the Campfire Tales as he fights the shadows to bring you the real truth.